at London Gospel Temple

Paul Smith

Paul Smith

Lead Pastor

Pastor Paul serves as the Lead Pastor of London Gospel Temple. He is passionate about preaching, teaching the Word, and helping people walk fully in the power of the Holy Spirit. He has seen God move powerfully in the lives of people when they allow themselves to be transformed by Him. Pastor Paul studied at Western University and has a graduate degree from Wilfrid Laurier University, as well as a Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary. He is married to Elizabeth and together they have two children.

Robert Smith

Robert Smith

Teaching Pastor

Pastor Bob and his wife Brenda have served at the church since 1981. He is a sought-after speaker and preacher at conferences, conventions, and large church events. He has written many books that have been distributed across Canada and the United States, touching lives with the power of the gospel. Treasured by his congregation and the London community, Pastor Bob loves people. It’s rare for him to pass up an opportunity to share with someone he doesn’t know while out for coffee.

Kathy Shaw

Kathy Shaw

Children's Ministry Pastor

Jenny Chaj

Jenny Chaj

Executive Pastor

Kelly Mall

Kelly Mall

Connections Pastor

Vivi Bahos Cobos

Vivi Bahos Cobos

Early Childhood Ministry Director

Elizabeth Smith

Elizabeth Smith

Senior Worship Leader

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