
Many youth in our culture are hurting, confused, and feeling lost.  Left to piece together their own understanding of truth and morality, and abandoned to the media’s portrayal of reality and value, these young people are looking for answers, for hope, and for something that is true, real, and good.

At REMIX Youth, we call teens to place their hope in Christ, to look to His Word the Truth, and to walk in the counsel of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis.  We work to find ways of encouraging our students to seek God and develop their own personal relationship with Christ.

At REMIX we want to be true friends to one another, and we play games and participate in actvities which allow us to get to know each other better every week.  We have a music team who leads us in songs of worship at our Friday night services.  We pray.  We learn about who God is.  We study His Word.  We have fun 🙂

In our small groups we focus on open discussions so we can learn from each others experiences, encourage one another, and come alongside each other as we make choices that take us forward in our walk with Christ.  And, since REMIX is also about sharing the hope we have in Christ and the experience of His power in our lives, we invite our friends.  We talk about our faith.  We welcome every one.

Here are some weekly programs to help you get connected:

Friday Service 7:30pm @the Factory

Sunday Service 9:30am @the Factory

At these services, you can also connect in a girls or guys small group which will meet during the week.  There’s lots of other events that go on throughout the year, so make sure you visit the REMIX page on facebook often, and listen cafefully to announcements at church on Sunday!!

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